Saturday 2 October 2010


Yesterday evening Marion had a major breakdown. She'd promised Kay that she would watch "Popstars" for her and so, because the girls & I wanted to stare at other moving wallpaper, she set herself up in the kitchen. As I have a habit of doing when I don't hear Marion for a while, I went to check on her and found her outside in the dark weeping her heart out. I brought her in and sat her on the sofa with Nattie, Lauren & I and we watched Popstars with her (though I was nearly weeping at the quality of the contestants).

She sat through the whole thing being plagued by Kay flashbacks and crying her heart out in waves. She misses being able to touch Kay, her soft skin, etc, etc. I really didn't know what to do except wrap her up in the family and let her cry. But it's extremely difficult when someone is hurting so much and there seems to be nothing you can do to help them.

I need to keep moving or I'm going to end up back in bed again. Today's challenge is to empty the garage and office of a huge pile of accumulated crap. First problem to be faced is where to put Kay's mountain bike...


  1. I think you are doing the only thing you can do in these circumstances and wrap yourselves up in the family, it is your arms around each other that will see you through and surprisingly it will be Lauren and Nattie's arms that will prove to be the strongest.
    Always in my thoughts
    Sharon x

  2. Ik denk dat je het perfect doet, Rob. Uit laten huilen en haar vooral stevig vasthouden, zodat jullie kunnen voelen dat jullie er voor elkaar zijn.

    Ik denk veel aan jullie,


  3. You're just like Liam. He hates X Factor so I watch it almost secretly, buy if he does catch me at it, gets caught up in it (which I'm sure you do really).
    I think that being there for Marion whilst she cries is the best thing you can do. Just having someone there is comforting. The trouble is Rob you are holding up in front of everyone and at some point you are going to have to let it out in some way or other.
    Having a clear out is both productive and helps clear the mind. Come and help me with mine if you still have the urge!
    Lesley x

  4. Grief is very hard work, overwhelming. Don't try to do too much at a time. You will know when the time is right to do certain things (move the bike, etc.).
