Thursday 21 October 2010


I think that we're very fortunate with Natasha. She has always been a self contained child, able to play on her own for long periods. She has a very active imagination, which also keeps her very busy. I was very concerned that when we came here she would be lost in some way without Kay, her life long playmate.

But my worries have so far not been founded. She's constantly busy with something. She is either reading (Kay's backlog of Donald Duck comics), playing on my iPad or on the PC. She has been in the pool for quite long periods almost everyday. She & I have been doing maths exercises on the iPad and I have to say that the child has a mind like a calculator, she's occasionallly faster than me with division and getting faster all the time.

Her active imagination has led her to design a complete entertainment complex that when she gets older she intends to build. This complex started with a shop, "Nattie Fashion", and got extended to a resturant, fun park and geld-pakhuis (money warehouse). She's got all the details worked out and is working on drawing a site plan. She's even promised that Marion & I will be able to visit for a discounted rate - not free mind you.

But all this is not to say that she doesn't miss Kay. I configured a new account for her on the PC here and the first thing that she did was access Flickr and download a photo of Kay and set it as her screen background and login icon (I didn't even know that she knew how to do this!). She talks about Kay in quite a normal way, more normal than I can manage at least. She was extremely pleased when I hung a photo of Kay above her bed here. Once, before we came away, Marion told me that she found Nattie cuddling her huge teddy bear and when Marion asked, she said that she was missing Kay.

She's also able to comfort Marion & I in indirect ways. We don't confront her with our tears, but she knows that we're upset every now and again and, in her own way, she'll come a give one of us a cuddle. Last night the three of us curled up on the sofa here in front of one of Marion's favourite films, Notting Hill. It was lovely, Marion snuggled up on my left, Nattie lying on my chest to the right. Both Nattie & I feel asleep during the film, Nattie was well gone. It was so very nice to feel her body pressed against me, warm, deeply asleep, the smell of her hair. Something that I did with Kay so very many times during the last year.

I think that of all of us, Nattie has the most balanced atttitude so far. She knows that Kay is gone and seems to accept it. She is able to talk about Kay and refer to memories of her. But her life goes on and she's filling it in perfectly without her big sister and playmate.

I only wish Lauren, Marion & I were doing quite so well.


  1. Dear Rob, I was soothed to hear about Nattie. Thank you! She is doing so well in her deep and contemplative way. She's posted really cute pictures of Kay on her Facebook profile since Kay passed. We have been deeply touched by it.

    We wish we could see you. But think of you constantly.

    Anyway, keep the lovely pictures coming. Keep blogging. Don't worry about content, just keep it coming as you feel it.

    All my love, Little Sister

  2. Dear Rob,

    My apologies for my incompetence with my iPhone preventing me from replying in a timely manner to your last post. Nevertheless, let me echo the sentiments of all, when I say... you just repeat yourself as much as you like, for as long as you like. We'll all be here to listen... even when we are no longer requried.

    This year I have seen and experienced things that have raised questions within me. Whilst I have not lost as you have, I have learnt three things:

    1. That you must be kind to yourself.
    2. That you must lean on others that would support you.
    3. That there are no answers.

    It is the last that is hardest to cope with, especially if in life, you are 'problem solver' by nature. Living day to day, taking on only small tasks, and listening to your body and soul when it is tired, are hard to take when you know you can do, and have done so much before. I have followed your blog from the start and not felt so ready (being at the edge of the family) to comment until now. But I do both empathise, and sympathise for your individual predicament.

    Being a pilot (albeit lapsed), I look to the sky continually; assessing the weather, gauging the cloud base, determining windspeed and direction etc. On that horrible day, sitting with Alison, I looked up and saw a change in the sky. I have not felt such a warmth there ever before. I cannot explain it, nor would I attempt to do so (not being given to deep religious/spiritual beliefs... another lapse). I do believe however, that Kay was there. I think that you know also, that she is indeed all around us.

    Alison and I think of you all constantly. Our deepest felt love and affection to you, Marion, Lauren and Natasha.

    Kindest Regards,


  3. Has Nattie included a railway station in her grand plan? Dad

  4. Beautiful and comforting! Natasha will be your shining star! She needs you and Marion as much as you need her. Together you will guide each other thru the darkest of days.


  5. Do you know? I hadn't noticed the strong resemblance between Nattie and Marion before - very beautiful!
    It's lovely to read such heartwarming closeness - and the pictures are lovely too, I had to grin at the sleeping one.
    Hope you take notice of what Dominic says about looking after yourself and learning to lean on others... Dominic’s comment about the sky caused goose-bumps and (to my surprise) tears! But I too have no doubt that Kay's there - and looking after all of you – Daddy, Mama and her beautiful sisters, Lauren and Nattie – and she knows how much you all miss her in your own different ways.
    Thinking about you all constantly
    Much love and many hugs
    Linda xxx

  6. Hi Rob
    So nice to see a photo of you on your blog. It is lovely to hear about Natasha. What a fabulous girl she is.
    Lesley x
