Tuesday 12 October 2010

And Finally, A Beautiful Sunset

This is why we're here...

Sunset through my shady olive tree

Sunset over La Ciotat and under my tree

Every sunset is unique here


  1. Breathtaking! You are in the right place Rob and Marion. Thank you for sharing such beauty with us today. I pray that your night will be a peaceful one.

    Debbie Hearne

  2. Wonderful, wonderful photos Rob. Whose hand was steadying yours for the absolutely STUNNING Hawkmoth set? We probably don't need to ask do we?

    Enjoy your desperately well earned break. England's only gone a bit quiet because you need some time and space. But just checking in again ... and wanting you to know that we're still reading you regularly, frequently quoting your excellent "Hugs" post, and sending some - large hugs - for you and for yours.

    Love, Simon and Jilly Marsh

  3. My dear, dear, blog friend,
    I am reading, and reading again. Feeling your pain and agony. Not knowing what to say because there is no single word that can even help a tiny little bit. You will have to drag you through this period not knowing how long it will take.
    It does good to know that you are in this other, beautiful surroundings at the moment. Perhaps it can bring some enlightenment. I do hope so.
    It also does good to know that Marion and you understand and feel each others pain and grief. As long as you can talk and understand each other you will be able to help one another through this terrible stage of your lives. Also Nattie will help you just by doing things like pointing out Kays duvet cover. It is very heartbreaking but little by little the memory will go from painful until pleasant. Kay will remain in your memory as courageous, happy, strong and the day will come that you think of her with a mild smile.
    And Rob, if Kay would have wanted to talk to you about death, I am sure that she would have done so one way or another. Children are very sensitive on that subject. They feel things like no adult can. Yet I do understand your regret and I do understand your doubt of having her put in a coma. But try to remember why you let this happen. She had suffered so much already, her body couldn't bear any more. It was the only way.
    Sending you both a big warm hug,
