Monday 13 December 2010

Washing hurts

Marion called this morning, in tears. She'd been loading the washing machine when she had to think about all the times she had had to wash stuff at 40 degrees because of the hygiene rules for Kay. I have to admit that I have similar thoughts every time I wash my hands - I miss the need to rinse them in alcohol afterwards.

Oh how lovely it would be to have to still be using alcohol, to have to keep visitors out of the house, to have to travel to Nijmegen every week, to have to use the Webchair for school, to have to fight about removing plasters... To have my Kay to cuddle.


  1. It's always the little things that count. Sending love and hugs from Aus. Ali n Dom x

  2. Ik hoop dat er ook momenten voor jullie komen dat je kan glimlachen bij een herinnering aan Kay.
    Knuffel Bettine

  3. Sending a hug from North Wales too
    Sharon x

  4. I know just what you mean. For the longest time, I could not go shopping, especially grocery stores without having a panic attack. I would see things that I liked to buy for Chip to snack on. A simple bottle of Texas Pete hot sauce on the shelf would send me into hard grief. Chip had left a bottle of Texas Pete on his night stand in his bedroom. He loved to put that stuff on everything he ate!

    It's the most simple of things that bring on those memories.

    Your friend,
