Friday 24 December 2010

Snow Angel

What's the protocol for a Christmas with a missing child?

I'm trying to hold off the dreadful thoughts through mental discipline - think about something else, do something else or think about nothing at all. Marion is bathed in grief. She says that everything she does, everything she thinks, everything she touches reminds her of Kay. There's only a hairs breadth between tears and no tears and she crosses the line easily.

This is just a terrible experience. Like a Snow Angel, Kay is demarcated by what is not there, by a silhouette of absence, by an echo of nothing, by a need that can never be fulfilled. The light in our house, the presence of our family, the smell of wonderful cooking serve merely to highlight what is not. With my photographer's eye I can see where Kay is not, but I cannot capture her. With my physicist's eye, her absence is a black hole set in the centre of our lives, visible by the effect that it has on the light that flows around it.

I miss my Kay. From the nucleii of the atoms that make my being to the deepest places of my heart. I miss my Kay.

Kay, wherever you are my darling, I love you more than I can ever say or think or do.


  1. Lieve Rob en Marion, Ook vanavond denk ik aan jullie. Een brandende kaars bij Kay haar foto. Ik hoop dat jullie samen met Natasha en Lauren de kerst doorkomen met toch wat ook fijne momenten en mooie en dierbare herinneringen aan Kay. Jullie hebben elkaar bij dit soort dagen meer dan ooit nodig. Rob, wil je Marion een hug van me geven? Voor nu een internet-hug voor jou.
    Sterkte en veel liefs,

  2. Wishing you some peace and a little joy today. Biggest hug to Natasha! :)

  3. Not a hour will go by without you and your family in my thoughts. I can't say any words to ease the grief or make the passage through today any easier. Make today about Nattie and hopefuly the hours will not seem too long.
    You are constantly in my mind, may you find the strength from the bottom of your soul to guide and see your family through the day.
    With love, hugs and a few tears
    Sharon x

  4. In my thoughts are you, all the time. Hug eachother over and over again and find comfort in all those arms, rapped around you. In real life, and all across THE world we are hugging you and your family

  5. Kay is as close as your heart. Peace be with you & your family.

    your friend,
