Friday 5 November 2010

A Surprising Thing

I feel slightly stronger today, with a little more energy. It's a small change but it's the first time in a very long time that I've noticed such a thing. I suspect that the reason is that Marion's Homeopath (English word?) has put us on a high dose of vitamins, particularly vitamin 'C'. Homeopaths are not normally my thing, not since one of them explained to me how diluting a 'medication' repeatedly by a factor of 10 increased its effect with each dilution, etc. For me this kind of thinking is little removed from dancing around the garden naked under a full moon, shaking a stick. The same person used to also talk to vegetables when cutting them on the basis that they became more compliant and cut more easily. Hmmmm.....

Neverthless, in the last years I've had some good experiences with alternative medicine. The physiotherapist that I see occasionally is a fantastic guy who uses a range of conventional and unconventional techniques in a holistic approach towards helping a patient. Some years ago he used accupunture to help me with a nasty stress complaint. Needless to say, I was very skeptical and rather afraid of being stuck like a pig. But the experience fell slightly short of miraculous. Since then I've become a firm believer in accupuncture to the extent that these days I only wince when being jabbed, rather than the full blown screams that I let out the first time. 

I've also suffered from a dodgy knee for years, including two operations. But a couple of years ago when my knee was playing up the same guy diagnosed the problem and fixed it in about 5 minutes. A true genius.

Marion's been pestering me to go and see her Homeopath. I know that the lady helped Marion a lot in the past, but I'd always reckoned that her skills were based on the power of listening and placeboes (listening to Marion for long periods being indeed a wonderous and unconventional skill, ha ha!). But I'm not sure the same cure will work for me, being generally less inclined to talk to strangers than Marion and certainly having a healthy skepticism towards placebo medication. But the vitamin thing and slight improvement in my mental state has made me curious, so I have agreed to go and see her next week.

Maybe I'll yet end up dancing round the garden. But not naked. I'm way too English for that.


  1. Well this sounds positive - I'm delighted.
    I'm a firm believer in complementary medicine - would like to meet your knee chappy, or at least know what he prescribed!
    But Rob, it's time you threw away some of those inhibitions! There's a saying, 'dance as if no-one is looking'. Most people agree I take this to heart when there's a half-decent band in the pub - if you do decide to be less English, just pretend no-one is looking, but please can Marion post the video on youtube later?
    As usual, take it one step at a time and don't demand too much of yourself.
    Big hug and loads of love
    Linda xxx

  2. So good to hear that you're feeling stronger. I would really like to hear more about the vitamin therapy and accupunture, since I've never tried either.

    Dancing in the garden sounds interesting....go for it!!!

    Your friend,

  3. No, you will have to do it with your speedo's on
    Sharon x

  4. Hi Rob,Thanks so much for still writing and let us read how you all are doing. Enjoy the autumn sun today. Ciel
    Ps Writing this on my IPhone which is quit à challenge, because I still don't know how to cancel auto-correction :-)
