Thursday 25 November 2010

The limits of a blog

Blogging has its limits, as I'm finding out in capital letters this week. A bunch of things have happened that are too sensitive to air in public. But trust me, another couple of kicks have been dealt out the last days. Before anyone assumes the worst I should say that the impact of the kicks is, hopefully, largely emotional. But today I have been completely knocked sideways by some news that I had this morning, to the extent that I've been non-operational and very upset all day. Sounds a bit wimpy stated like that, but yeh, it's also accurate.

Part of my strong reaction is because it feels like another 'story' is about to start. Now, I have received assurances that this is not the case, but still, given our experiences during the last years it's difficult to give bad news the best interpretation. I thought, hoped, that Kay's death would be the very last chapter of difficulty in our lives. But I suppose that that's the definition of false hope. Or maybe not, we'll see.

To neutralise my shock and occupy my brain I've subjected myself to back-to-back episodes of "Reggin Perrin" this afternoon, both the new series. For those not in the know, this is a comedy series about a business executive going through mental meltdown/midlife crisis. It's very funny but in a way that sounds more than a note of reality. I have been simultaneously laughing and wondering about adopting some of his crazy ideas myself. Going to work in a white suit, imitating voice mail to avoid taking calls and taking nothing seriously sounds just about right to me. Ha!

Anyway, I'm extremely tired, too tired to continue writing around the edges of stuff.


  1. Lieve Rob,
    Ik heb vanmorgen Marion gesproken. Dikke knuffel voor jou. Hou je taai!
    lfs Bettine

  2. Hugs and love to all.
    Linda xxx

  3. Rob, I've just asked Mum & Dad to explain your blog, and they have on both counts. Now I've calmed down, I have a lot to say on all subjects. I can put your mind at some rest. I just wish these curve balls would stop coming! Keep strong, I'll email you my thoughts. I sent an email today before talking to M&D, I didn't know at the time.

    Just take some time. And know that all will be well.

    Lots and lots of love, Ali xxx

  4. Dear Rob,

    Sometimes it feels as though the universe is going in the wrong direction. We start to wonder, what more......WHAT MORE! Is this some kind of cruel test that we have to go thru to survive?

    Take a deep breath. Stay strong. Keep saying, this too shall pass.....this too shall pass.


  5. Rob, I hope whatever is going on involves 'things' and not health and is turn-aroundable and surmountable. Hugs.
