Sunday 14 November 2010

Low Day

I've been struggling to stay on an even keel today. I think that the wind from last week has fully left my sails and the momentum that I'd built up has gone. (Thinking about it, thats a bad metaphore: if there's no wind a boat must be on an even keel. Hmmmm...) Again I had all sorts of plans for the day but in the end I just alternated between reading and dozing off. Lauren called, she's also been having a bad day and we shared fighting off tears together for a while.

I've taken to reading a bedtime story to Nattie regularly. But unfortunately we left our Dr Zeuss collection in France and we're now down to our last Thomas the Tank Engine book. I checked in the Kindle and iPad Bookstore but Thomas is not yet available as an eBoook. Looks like I'm going to have to order a printed book for the first time in a year. Gee, how old fashioned. It's that or search Kay's bedroom for more English books.

I guess that it would be a good idea if I took the coming week at a slower pace. Spending a whole weekend recovering from work is not my idea of a better quality of life.


  1. Hang in there Rob. No wonder you're exhausted.
    Call me a bit of a ludite if you want, but there's something lovely about reading an 'old fashioned' book, made from paper, being able to smell the ink... you might be surprised!(Remember how some of us were when CDs first appeared?)
    Look after yourself this week.
    Love to Lauren, Marion and Nattie too.
    Big hugs all round
    Linda xx

  2. Rob, you are just in the doldrums I am sure that there will soon be a breeze to get you back on course. Dad.
