Friday 24 September 2010

What a morning

I've been behind the computer all morning, discussing and editing texts for the service tomorrow, selecting music for the various steps along the way and blowing & labelling CD's from iTunes playlists. 

A specialist photographer has also been along to make some photos of Kay with Marion, Nattie and I. Marion & Nattie were OK with this, I was half OK with it and Lauren didn't want to be on a photo. All fine by me. I'm very scared about refusing to do something and then regretting it later, but equally nor do I want to fill my head with things I'd rather not see/forget.

This afternoon I have to go to the school to arrange the photo display and work out a couple of other things. More guests will be arriving so the house will be nice and full this evening, people sleeping on camp beds even.

Marion's Aunt & Uncle are being complete saints with the way that they are working quietly in the background to run the house and support us. They are the silent heros of this situation. And then there's all the support we're getting from friends, which seems to know no bounds. We will eventually be extremely grateful for these things, acts of love which will last a lifetime.

"Your friends
will know you better
in the first minute you meet
your acquaintances
will know you in
a thousand years"

"Illusions", Richard Bach.

Indeed, I'm falling back to some of the most beautiful books I've ever read.


  1. Can't beat Richard Bach eh?
    Thanks goodness so many people can be with you just now.
    Good luck with everything this afternoon.
    Been thinking about you all day.
    Love to all.
    Linda xx

  2. Hey Rob: just checking in. Thanks for the update. Lots of love from your friends here in the UK ... who'll be with you in spirit through every moment of tomorrow. Glad you've got some great company ... and some great books. Love to your Mum & Dad.
    Simon & Jilly M

  3. Rob, I received your beautiful picture of Kay today and have it in my lounge by some purple flowers. We are going to light a lantern for Kay tomorrow evening.
    Thinking of you today and especially tomorrow.
    Lesley x
