Friday 24 September 2010


The end of the last day is drawing near and I just don't want tomorrow to come. I have a raging sense of panic, pain, fear and some unknown and indescribable feelings coursing through my body. Oh, this can't be my life. Oh, this must be happening to someone else. Oh, please please please let me wake up from this nightmare.

Why my Kay? What did she ever do to deserve this ending? What did we ever do to deserve this life? Better it was my ending and Kay's life.

Oh, oh, oh... don't let this happen. Let me wake up tomorrow and find Kay playing on her computer, chiding me for being a worrying Daddy. Let me put my arms around her and hold her close and feel her warm and life. Let her struggle against my hugs and push me away because she has something more important to do.

No, this can't be my reality. It just can't. It can't be.

Oh my Kay. Ah, words are not enough. Nothing ever will be.

I want my Kay, so very very very very much.


  1. Als terug kijken pijn doet
    En vooruit kijken je bang maakt,
    Kijk dan naast jullie -
    Wij staan altijd aan jullie zij!

  2. Dear Rob, when you need Kay, just whisper her name in your heart. She will be there.


  3. Dear Rob, when you need Kay, just whisper her name in your heart. She will be there.


  4. Oh Robert, that as cracked my control. Kay is with you. Never forget that. And, you'll hold her again. I know it. I am so very very very sorry.

    Dear brother, keep your strength. Hug Nattie and Lauren and know you are all together, and Kay will be in your midst.

    Ali xxxxxxxxxxx

  5. It's already Saturday in the Netherlands as I write this and I hope you're sound asleep and getting rest for this difficult day ahead of you. I hope you'll be able to take some comfort in being surrounded by so many people who love Kay and whose lives were made richer because they knew her. I'll be thinking of all of all of you.

  6. Words are not enough, but we want to say: all the strenght in the world for you all! We will always remember Kay as an example for many people, because she was so nice, so lovely, so social, so good for others in many ways and so so so much more! So will always be a winner! Many many people are with their thoughts and their prays with you all! Everybody wants to help. We will never never forget!

  7. Dear Rob,
    I can understand your pain, the sickness you feel through your whole body, the nightmare you are going through, the question why? Why Kay? Why us?
    How hard and deep the search, the answer will not be found. Even I as an outsider tried to find a reason for the passed days. Noud and I talked about it, about the purpose of our being, about how fate treats people. We didn't find an answer. I guess, like one says, that time will heal. I do not know. I just hope for you it will.
    I hope you and Marion and Nattie and Lauren will find the strength to face this day and that you will find some comfort in the presence of all those people that care and want to support.
    Noud has to work but in his mind he will be with you.

  8. We will never never never forget Kay!!!!!
