Wednesday 22 September 2010

The Thoughts of Chairman Howe

Ok, what I'm going to write next is rather kooky to say the least. Before I write there are some caveats to worth mentioning. Yes, I'm in an extremely distressed state, but No, I don't think I've lost my mind or suddenly gone bonkers. Further, if anything, what we're going through has made me even more cynical towards the "metaphysical" world, in all its glory. I've spent every minute of the last few weeks making sure that I didn't start manufacturing information from noise, because let's face it, when you have been through what we have been through in the last weeks, your mind grasps at any straw going, even ones manufactured from noise.

But nevertheless, I've heard Kay speaking to me.

On Monday I went out in the sun and the wind on my race bike to feel life around me and to feel me body moving and to try and find some peace from the rhythm of cycling. And after about 20mins I found that peace. My grief subsided and I felt the joy of the sun, the wind and the motion of my bike. And then I suddenly heard Kay, she was laughing at me and calling "Daddy" over and over again. She was dancing in light and radiated happiness. And I felt her love for us.

Now, I didn't actually hear her with my ears, more like hearing someone else's thoughts in my head. But neither did I have the idea that I was manufacturing the information. What I was hearing felt real, very specific even. She's in the right hand side of my head, in the area above and behind my right ear and the stronger her 'signal' becomes the more I feel her in the right side of my head.

Indeed I tried to dismiss all this as the fabrication of an exhausted and grief stricken mind. But you know, I want to hear so much that I couldn't push her away just because my rational mind wanted to dismiss what I was experiencing as a byproduct of my grief. What if it really is Kay? Think what you want, I know what I think.

Today I went on my bike again, this time with some expectation. Another sunny, lovely day full of life. Again, but with more trouble this time, I managed to enter a meditative state, the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the wind, the motion of cycling. And Kay was there again. This time I was not going to dismiss her. I listened to her. She can see into our hearts, she can see how much we love her, she can see how much we're hurting but she sees through it (and is a little impatient). She 'said' that Mama's so sad she can't hear her (Kay).

When I got back I told Marion that the only reason she can't hear Kay is because she's hurting so much. So hopefully Kay will reach Marion soon and we can share the feeling of her being with us.

Unfortunately, I cant keep up this kind of mediation for very long, not least because I'll end up riding into something. And when I stopped, the grief swept back in.

So, you can decide whether I've now gone completely round the bend or whether I'm being incredibly stupid. Or whether my Kay is talking to me.

I'm going cycling again tomorrow.


  1. Dear Rob, Sometimes there is just no explanation. I'm sure that was Kay (or Kay's beautiful spirit)speaking to you! I hope so much that Marion can hear Kay soon too. Maybe in an other way. What a wonderful and strong daddy you are.
    lfs Bettine

  2. Rob,
    I was so pleased to read this entry. Kay is part of you, she always will be and I cannot imagine her abandoning you and your wonderful girls. You were there for her, now she is here for you.
    At the end of the day there will always be sceptics in this crazy world. All that matters is what is real to you. When you hear Kay, it because she is there. Now its her turn to comfort you.
    All my love
    Lynne, John, James and your blue eyed girl Emily xxxxxxx

  3. HOORAY! O, dear Rob, I'm delighted. Don't worry at all about not being able to keep it up for very long. The 'meditative state' you describe takes some people many, many years to be able even to begin to encounter. For others it can happen like "a knock on the head". But for everyone, it's not a permanent state. In nearly 30 years as a priest I've begun each day with a 20minute silent meditation session and ended each day with another 20minute session. Even 5minutes once a day can change your life as surely as winning a million ... only better. Now believe me, it's not churchgoing I'm talking about here; it's not a subversive "conversion" attempt on the quiet! ... what I'm talking about is what you've experienced for yourself ... what I've spent my life hoping and praying all people will eventually be able to experience. Enjoy it Rob. Let the wind blow around you and don't doubt that Kay is, as I said the other day "somewhere very near". And when the doubt and the grief returns just remember, (as though you really need reminding now!) that a whole host of people are hanging in there with you. I dearly wish I could be with you on Saturday and I'm sorry that I can't. But we'll doubtless meet soon and in the meantime, physically and metaphorically, I'll be waving your dear parents off on their journey to be with you. THANKS, so much for today's update. Love, Simon

    PS - Love to Marion and the girls ... and to Alison & Dominic ...

  4. Dear Rob, what you heard is what you heard. And if you hear Kay talking to you that is what it is. You are not losing your mind! Please feel lucky, every bit of luck you can get, get it and do not let it go! Please ask Kay to hold on to reach Marion! It's important for her too. Lots of love from Tilburg to all of you. There is not a minute that Kay is out of my mind. And that is how it should be. Please be strong and let some luck into your heart when it knocks on the door...

    xxx Kim van Zijl

  5. Hey Rob, I am really moved by what you have written. I ABSOLUTELY believe that Kay was talking to you. I have always believed that this was possible. I even said to the girls that they should talk to Kay and they'll be surprised when they get answers. I'm pretty sure she is looking over us and will keep in touch with all of us. We just have to look out for signals and keep talking to her and not turn our backs and believe she is gone. Cause she isn't. She is only gone physically. Did I ever tell you that I lost a cousin when I was 7? My aunt Eliane lost her first daugther, Ariane, in an accident. I am not mentioning this to divert from Kay. All I want to say is that Ariane has been in touch with my aunt and uncle, so this is real. I believe Kay is now our guardian angel, she is leading the way and will be a guide for us all.

    Thinking of you all permanently even though I am not right now in Maarheeze. Will be back soon.
    Tons of love.

  6. Dear Rob,
    I know the experience and I believe every word you say. This is what gives you the strength you need: knowing that in your heart and mind your Kay will always be with you.

  7. Oh Rob, how lovely. please let me share an experience I had, at the risk of sounding crazy. Several friends told me about a metaphysical minister they visited who contacted their loved ones. it sounded so hokey to me that I decided to see him myself to figure out how he did it. I failed in that attempt. He 'contacted' my mother and grandmother and best friend while I was with him, by name, and through him they shared things only I knew about them and our relationships. I left his little office altered. (he charged nothing for this, by the way). One thing he said that has always stuck with me is this: it's trial and error for those who have died to figure out how to contact us, so if we hear anything or if we suddenly find that person in our thoughts, we should acknowledge that we hear them and they are getting through, just as you did with Kay.
    Thich Nhat Hanh talks about there being 'no death' in that matter can't be created or destroyed. A room may be full of radio waves, but until there is a radio, we're not aware of them. He suggests it's the same with spirit. That minister I saw was like a radio, bringing my loved ones' spirits to me. You're tuned into Kay's station right now, and I'm so glad for you.

  8. Dear Rob,

    Ik twijfel er geen seconde over dat Kay werkelijk tegen je praatte. Wat ontzettend fijn om te weten dat ze zo gelukkig, vrolijk en dichtbij jullie is. Het zal je veel steun geven, om te weten dat ze nu geen pijn meer heeft, en altijd over jullie zal waken. Telkens als jullie lachen en vrolijk zijn, zal zij ook gelukkig zijn. Zoals ze zo mooi beschrijven in de film Raising Helen: "Everytime you smile, or laugh, it's going to make her happy". Ik hoop daarom dat jullie pijn ooit zal verdwijnen, zodat Kay niet meer bezorgd zal zijn om jullie en ze ook kan doordringen in Marion's gedachten.

    Liefs, Judith

  9. Rob, this is wonderful. Kay is happy, she is laughing, she is free from pain and not sick any more. But she is still loving and caring and concerned for you and Marion - and no doubt, her sisters too. How this 'works' doesn't matter. Your beautiful angel is looking out for you. I pray the she manages to speak to Marion soon.
    Much love
    See you very soon
    Linda xxx

  10. Hi Rob,
    Just to assure you, with all the others, that your experience is very real and to be treasured. It shows that the deepest and most enduring love cannot be broken by death - it is eternal. Father-daughter love is very special.
    My wife (another Kay!)& I send you & Marion our love and assure you of our prayers at this difficult time for you.
    Tim (Patrick's brother)

  11. Rob,
    Ik hoop dat je nog veel meer van dit soort ervaringen zult hebben en je bent helemaal niet
    gek of wat dan ook. Ik heb altijd al gevoeld dat jij in je leven iets zou gaan ervaren/beleven/ voelen wat als natuurkundige niet te verklaren is.. dat is toch fantastisch. Het geeft zo veel troost en verzacht de pijn in jou en Marion's hart.
    Ja wellicht gaat Kay ook Marion bereiken, wie weet..... hangt ervan af hoe lang Kay's ziel nog in jullie nabijheid zal blijven en dat weet je nooit. Dit blijft een vraag voor ons!

    Niemand heeft het voor mijn gevoel mooier kunnen verwoorden dan Simon March..... I've begun each day with a 20minute silent meditation session and ended each day with another 20minute session. Even 5minutes once a day can change your life as surely as winning a million ... only better.... what I'm talking about is what you've experienced for yourself ... what I've spent my life hoping and praying all people will eventually be able to experience. Enjoy it Rob. Let the wind blow around you and don't doubt that Kay is, as I said the other day "somewhere very near". And when the doubt and the grief returns just remember, (as though you really need reminding now!) that a whole host of people are hanging in there with you.....(I feel the very same thing Rob.... and Simon has put mij feeling so beautiful into words).....

    From Jolanda
