Wednesday 22 September 2010


We will commemorate Kay's life on Saturday 25th September in the assembly hall of Kay's school, De Muzenberg, Kijkakkers in Maarheeze starting at 12pm. Following this we will move to the Hockey field on the Philipsweg in Maarheeze, where we will say a final goodbye to Kay on the centre spot. Kay's family and relations will then escort her to the crematorium in Heeze.

If you would like to attend, please bring a purple flower for Kay. You will have the chance to place this flower next to her at the Hockey field. Should you be moved to do more than this, we will have collection pots for the Ronald McDonald house in Nijmegen available.

[You have no idea how painful it is to write these kinds of things].


  1. We will be with you.
    I wish there was some way to alleviate the pain, but all I can say -again - is Rob and Marion, you are surrounded by so much love.
    See you soon.
    Linda and Em xxx

  2. Hai Rob en Marion,
    Het is inderdaad niet voor te stellen hoe moeilijk dit allemaal is. Weet dat wij jullie kanjers vinden. Dit zie je ook terug in jullie dochters.


  3. Dear Rob, You are right, I have no idea how painful it is to write such things and I hope I never have to experience that kind of pain. My thoughts are with you, Marion, Nathalie and Lauren. You probably don't remember me, but we were in the RM house in Nijmegen as well, but we are the fortunate ones that we took our little girl home, safe and well. As for you, all this pain and sorrow. Every time I read your blog (and I'm checking it several times a day), tears run across my face. As someone has writen already; I sincerely hope that the net of people that's weaved around you, will give you some kind of comfort to deal with your loss. Kind regards, Marie-Cecile

  4. I don't know the words to make things right but I do know how to listen.
    I will be there on Saturday, for Kay and for you and Marion.
    Sharon x

  5. Dear Rob,Marion, Lauren & Natasha,
    I know we didn't know Kay but we have heard a lot about her from Granny & Grandad Howe. You have been through such a lot and it must seem all in vain,but I know Kay brought a lot of love and happiness to her family and friends in the short time she was with you.
    We will be thinking of you all on Saturday even though we are not with you in body.
    Please accept all our sympathies. God Bless.
    Robin & Anne Gardner.
