Monday 20 September 2010

Stabbed through the heart

I'm preparing a photo display for Kay's commemoration service at the weekend. But every time I open a picture of her with Lightroom, I get stabbed in the heart. I can't believe she's left us. I can't believe that these pictures are all that I have left of her that my eyes can see.

Oh, oh, this is so unbelievably, indescribably hard.


  1. James and I have just gone through the photos of Kay and we found ourselves laughing out loud through the tears in our eyes. I pray that one day soon you will be able to do the same. What a beautiful child with a beautiful spirit. Amazing!!
    I will see you on Thursday. Until then I send you a giant hug.
    Much love to all
    Lynne x

  2. Oh Rob, I wish so much that there was something someone could say that would make you feel better, but there's nothing to take away the pain. Been thinking of you all, all day and wishing so much that there were words.

    Linda xx

  3. Rond koffietijd ben ik bij je morgen!

    Chief of Bullshit

  4. Dear Rob, I am finally lost for words. Tried to call several times, can't get through to you. Just know that I'm here when you are ready. All my love, Alison xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Hello Rob,Marion,Lauren en Natascha,

    Waarom wordt de mooiste bloem als eerste geplukt!
    Woorden schieten te kort.
    Heel veel sterkte en kracht in deze moeilijke en komende tijd.
    In gedachten zijn we bij jullie.

    Monique en Trudy ( Lukkien)
