Sunday 18 October 2009

The end of another day

The last days have been tough. I don't intend to air my emotions in a blog- I'm sure they would scare you off reading anything else I may write. But without plumming the depths, I can say that so far Friday was my worst day. Taking Kay into the operating theatre and talking her into sleep was an experience that I had on day two the first time around and swore blind I'd never do again. Never say never - I did the same thing on Friday and it was worse, took me to the edge of reason.

I have the feeling that of us all, Kay is dealing with it best. This evening I had a long talk with Natasha on the way back from the hospital and asked her how she feels. Her answer was that she doesn't feel anything so far. But she's very observant and is beginning to understand what is going on. I'll talk to Lauren when she gets home this week.

My impression is that Marion is dealing with it better than I am. She is very emotional and openly so, except when she is with Kay. In a sense I feel that Marion's ability to give rein to her emotions, even to a limited extent, is a sign that she's coming to terms with them.

I dare not give my emotions a millimetre of freedom. They're raging so strongly that, like a dam, the smallest leak is likely to result in a catastrophic flood. So I'm doing what I normally do in these circumstances, locking the emotions down, dealing with the reality and facts of the situation, and waiting until I'm calmer and more able to deal with how I feel. So please, if you think that I'm being distant or cool, understand that this is not because I don't feel any emotions but rather the exact opposite: my emotions are so strong that they would incapacitate me if given rein and this I cannot allow right now. There are a lot of people depending on me to carry on functioning.


  1. Normally I have quite a few words to say, but with stuff like this I can't find them...

    All the best with the current situation. Keep fighting, it is more then worth it !

  2. I wanted to add a comment about Natasha saying that "she doesn't feel anything". It makes me concerned that, later, she may feel that this was in some way an ingorant or a selfish attitude.

    I say: "Good job Natasha!". The longer that she treats Kay just as Kay, the better.

    A sister has a special place in this, different to a Mum, Dad or even a friend. It's not up to me what this should be, but I believe that the difference is the level of honesty in the relationship. Where others may have to worry about feelings, a sibling's job is surely to say it as it is.

    Your big sister can still be a bit annoying when she hogs the computer, even if she is looking a little poorly.

  3. Rob, I feel like the old-fashioned technology, that wouldn't get a look in at the hospital - a record that has stuck...there's nothing to say that hasn't been said on the phone, but I'll say it again and again and again:
    Thinking of you all, all the time.
    Keep talking - and writing
    If there is anything practical I can do - shout.

    Linda xx

  4. bonjour Rob
    attentions de ne pas trop garder les emotions en toi, car cela peut etre dangereux pour ta santée, alors même d'une façon ou d'une autre même tout seul cri pleure tu te entira mieux.
    embasse Marion pour moi.

    Un peu de français por ta pratique.

  5. Hi Alex, I guess that I have some french homework to do. Keep it coming!

