Monday 1 August 2011

Dont't know

I slept badly last night and have woken up this morning feeling very tired and sick in my stomach. The effort of trying to control the building flood of grief, I think. Eleven years ago this morning Marion's water broke, kicking off a whole long story about how Kay came into the world, including us signing all the papers for our new house in the delivery room of the hospital.

I'm trying my very best to control my feelings, stay on top of my pain, but it's so very difficult. We're going down the beach today to get the girls some more windsurfing lessons and maybe sail the Hobie again. This evening Alex and Roland are coming over. Hopefully by staying busy the grief can be kept at bay.


  1. Rob, I've been thinking a lot about you all- about Kay's birthday coming up. I'm not sure I can cheer you up, I'm feeling very emotional and down myself. Why do these 'dates' have to carry so much weight, when the absence of Kay is to be endured every day of the calendar? I think being surrounded with people is definitely the best option. We are not in a position to fly to France tomorrow but believe me you will be - as you always are - in our hearts and thoughts. Sophie has also been asking what will be done on Kay's birthday and I can now tell her about the Marineland excursion, she will like that.
    Sending you all lots of love and hugs.

  2. Hang in there Rob.
    Much love and huugs
    Linda xx

  3. Big hug to you all xxx

  4. Jolanda Hoogeveen12 August 2011 at 23:57

    Big hug and I am thinking about you all too!
    Jolanda XXX
