Wednesday 10 August 2011

Fickle Me

Yesterday I was telling someone how I thought that we/I had done well on holiday, how I could imagine that I was beginning to heal in some way. In this new, nasty world it seems that no optimistic thought goes unpunished: this morning I woke up under a dark, heavy blanket of depression. Depression that after a while turned to a flood of tears, the first for a while.

I'm still in bed and I just feel like pulling the covers over my head and retreating to the darkest corner I can find. I guess that the antidote is exercise, I should get out and get on my bike and pump some of this blackness out of my body. But you know what? I feel too damned miserable to move.


  1. I cannot begin to imagine how you must feel.
    Just the thought that so many people are holding
    you, Marion and the girls in their hearts, I hope that
    Will help you just a little bit to get through these
    rough times.
    Thinking of you!

  2. Rob, sending a huge hug and much, much love.
    Linda xx
