Sunday 10 April 2011

Slippery Slope

Thanks to a tablet, I slept like a log last night. I took the tablet at 10pm while still downstairs and it knocked me out in about 10 minutes. I woke briefly around 11pm and managed to stagger into bed and the next thing I knew it was 7am. Lovely, it's been a while since I had such a restful night.

However, I do not want to take these tablets on a regular basis as they have some pretty nasty side effects with continued use. So this evening I was in bed at 10.30, with some melatonin. You can guess from the time that this blog entry was posted, what happened. I couldn't get to sleep properly. I slithered around on the edge of sleep for a while. I guess that I almost made it but alas fell into a nightmare instead, one that is probably worth mentioning: it seemed that my sister-in-law was pregnant (Yes, Isa!) but caught some kind of bug that meant that she needed a blood transfusion. My brother was on the phone with me as he discovered this and he got very upset and I couldn't understand why until he said that if she had a blood transfusion she would lose the baby. 

I 'woke' up at that point, heart pounding and full of stress. It was 12:15am, ie past my midnight threshold, so I thought "to hell with it" and took another full sleeping tablet. It's now 1:30am and this time the damned thing has seemingly had no effect. I lay in bed for an hour waiting for it to cut in but have now given up.

I have to admit that I'm getting very scared by my inability to sleep. Or rather, the thing that scares me is lying in bed in the dark with my heart thumping in my chest, full of stress and unable to relax. What this kind of stress is doing to my body I dread to think. I cycled to work a couple of times last week to try and combat the effects. The strange thing is that I don't seem to suffer from it during the day, only when I'm trying to sleep or when I wake up in the middle of the night. In fact, I've had a relatively quiet day today, just working on Nattie's railway board, cleaning up the garage and enjoying the fine weather. It's only at night the that demons come out to play.

I have to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible. I'm afraid of the consequences for my health and also it makes work that much more difficult, just the extra mental effort it takes to push through a working day after a bad night is hard enough, never mind the mental fog and disorientation that results.

Well, I'll drink a cup of green tea and sit here and hope for sleep. The pounding in my chest has eased somewhat - the effect of writing for the blog? - so maybe I'll get off soon. 


  1. Do you think that there could be a vicious-cycle developing - worrying about not sleeping -keeping you awake - worrying...? A sort-of self-fulfilling prophecy?
    I don't suffer from insomnia as much as you, but I have learned to allow myself a very short while of trying to sleep, then make myself get up - even if I'm shattered - go and do something useful, but straightforward (sadly this usually means housework) and eventually make my way back to bed and sleep. If I'm worried or upset, reading doesn't help - there's space for the worries to creep in at the edges, so it has to be a task that includes elements of practicality (like cleaning a cupboard!). If I'm going through a spell of not sleeping, I also turn the clock round so there's no knowing the time, and determinedly try not to look when I go downstairs.
    Sounds crazy, but it does help.
    Love and hugs to all
    Linda x

  2. Don't drink green tea before sleeping!!! Green tea can increase the pulsation of the heart and make you restless. Green tea can keep you awake.

    Don't drink green tea after dinner. You can drink valeriaan, kamille, ginseng and lavendel tea.
