Wednesday 13 April 2011

Back on the Tablets?

Sunday night was hell. I eventually went to bed around 3am after having dosed in front of the tv and still it took a while to sleep. In the morning I felt so rough that I chose to cycle to the office again to wake my self up. This also helped with reducing the amount of tension that I was feeling. But on Monday evening I took the easy option and swallowed a sleeping tablet an hour before going to bed with the result that I had a good night's sleep.

The result of this was that yesterday I could feel just how deeply tired the last week or so has made me. I really need a good few nights of quality sleep. Yesterday evening I took some advice offered here and stopped drinking green tea n the evening - I normally drink a cup before or at bedtime. I'd always thought that green tea was innocent stuff, didn't realise that it's full of cafeine. But again I wasn't prepared to face another nocturnal battle with myself, so I took a tablet again and had another good night.

So, what to do? I know these tablets build up side effects that the last time were difficult to push through when I wanted to stop taking them. Also they become less effective with constant use. I think that what I'm going to do is taken another one tonight and then leave it through the weekend, ie thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. See if having FHA en the edge of the problem I can sleep without aid.h


  1. Good luck with the new tablet schedule. Re-reading my last post I realise that writing at 0500h before going to work doesn't help with grammer and spelling! Sleep well. Dom n Ali

  2. Still reading. Wish I could offer some helpful advice. The only thing I can think of is how a very good friend of mine is coping. She was diagnosed with lukaemia around 18 years ago and has stunned doctors. She takes the holistic approach (practices yoga etc.) Basically she started meditating, along with taking her medication and other homeopathic remedies, and finds that it prepares her and calms her for each day.
    Sleep well.
    Lesley x

  3. Hi Rob,

    You don't know me but I read you weblog a few times a week. I gave you the green tea advise. (also no coffee, or coca cola after dinner)

    I understand your pain and your problems. You are traumatised.

    I also got a sleeping problem (5 years now) and I tried everything. What I do now? I take my notebook in bed and listen to a audio book. Sometimes to an audiobook especially for falling in sleep but sometimes also a bestseller audio book. It works, not everytime but each time that it's working is one night of sleep.

    Rob, you must get true it, not get over it because that is impossible,
    you must get true it. And for that, you need your sleep.

  4. PS

    There are also sleeping problems hospitals. (slaapkliniek)

    If nothing helps you can trie to find help there.
    When you google 'slaap kliniek' you can find the one
    that is near your house.

  5. Sorry Rob,

    Of course I meant: you must get through instead of true. My English is not very good. Sorry!

  6. Thanks for all the advice. I'm now avoiding tea before bedtime but this week I've been taking sleeping tablets that have done their work admirably. However I don't want to continue on them for too long, otherwise I'll build up the awful REM sleep deficiency that I had before. So I do need to find another solution.
