Monday 7 February 2011

Painful Memories (Not for the faint-hearted)

I've been felled by grevious outbreak of grief. It started yesterday evening when I was sitting in the car on the way home from friends. I was dozing on the passenger seat when I was hit by a flashback so vivid that it's almost impossibly painful to recount. I used to tease Kay, right up until she became sick, by picking her up with one of my arms under her knees and the other behind her neck. I'd then bring her knees up to her chest so that I held her tight in a ball. I'd then rock her from side to side and say "Ahhh, Baby Kay". Or I'd sing "Rock-a-bye Baby" and at the end, when the bough breaks, dump her on the sofa.

She thought this was either a big pain in the ass, (Baby Kay version) or big fun (dumping on the sofa version). Either way we would have a big laugh. It always struck me when I picked her up like this how beautifully light she was. Long limbs, long hair and light weight. The figure of an athlete. Her hair amazed me, thick, red, long, gorgeous. It was always a wonder to me that I could possibly have been a part of bringing this beautiful and spirited child into the world. She'd fight me when I did the Baby Kay version, yelling "Daaadddddeeee" in her typically modulated way. "Put me down". So different from Lauren or Nattie.

Ahhh, the pain. At home I went into complete meltdown and I've been there ever since. I had a terrible night, couldn't get to sleep. And when I did I had horrible dreams. I woke this morning feeling more tired and depressed than for a while. I'm hovering on the edge of tears, over the edge right now. The loss of Kay is weighing more heavily on my heart. I'm so tired and depressed that I've taken the day off work, unlike me. But I just don't feel like doing anything except trying to sleep a bit and lie here trying to find a place for these incredibly painful but important memories.

Oh man, this is so hard. I MISS MY KAY so, so, so, so much. Where is she? Why has she gone from me? Why did such a wonderful, beautiful, girl have to leave this world? Why has my heart been broken so badly?

I can't see the screen properly anymore through this veil of tears. And my heart hurts so much that it feels like it can't possibly continue to beat. I wish there was some way to forego this pain, I can't imagine how it's possible to keep going, living like this, there can really be nothing worse.


  1. Lieve Rob,
    Hou vol! Ik zou willen dat ik iets voor je kon doen.


  2. I have no answers for you but only my own questions to add along side and I wish we could share the pain you bear to ease your grief. I wish for many things Rob.
    Holding you in my thoughts
    Sharon x

  3. Rob, that image of you playing with Kay is a Beautiful memory - and if the writing it down brings on the tears that is only to be expected. But writing the good memories is such a wonderful thing - for you in the future when (I hate to say it) they may seem less clear, and for those of us reading, for whom a little more of the essential Kay lives on.

  4. Dear Rob
    I'm still here although totally useless at offering any help except for you to know I'm thinking about you.
    Lesley x

  5. Rob, I cannot begin to describe the anguish Alison and I feel on your behalf. I was just thinking of Kay and Nattie yesterday; how Nattie will meet and get to know her new little cousin in the years to come. How Kay will not physically be there, and be a wonderful influence on our little girls life. But then I thought, yes, they will both be older cousins that she will look up to and admire. Girls that she will want to emulate; for their nature, their intelligence, their good hearts and their courage. Kay will always be a force of good that will bring out the compassion and understanding in all that know and will come to know her story. Nattie is a girl, I firmly believe could change the world. Her strength is undeniable and she is an inspiration. If our little one is a little bit of Kay and a little bit of Nattie, then I will indeed be the proudest father on the planet.

  6. Rob, not much to say. Been thinking of you all day, wishing so much there was something useful to say or do.
    Sending hugs and masses of love.
    Linda xx

  7. Hai Rob, Sorrie dat ik zo lang niets van me heb laten horen. Ik kijk dagelijks naar je blog maar weet vaak niet hoe te reageren. Nu ook weer....dat zo'n mooie herinnering zo pijnlijk kan zijn....Je hebt deze herinnering werkelijk prachtig beschreven en ook ik zie jullie tweetjes voor me. Jouw verdriet is bijna niet voor te stellen. Hoop toch dat je deze dierbare momenten ook met Nattie kan beleven. Je bent zo'n lieve papa. Sterkte Rob
    lfs Bettine

  8. Oh Rob, how I wish I could kiss it better! Lots of love, Mum.

  9. Beste Rob&Marion,
    Dit zijn mooie herinneringen om te koesteren. Ze zijn nu nog pijnlijk, maar er komt ook een tijd dat je bij zulke herinneringen een glimlach op je gezicht komt. Hetgeen het in elk geval draaglijker maakt. We blijven aan jullie denken. Angelines&Leon

  10. Ook ik lees nog trouw je blog, en vind het rot dat ik afgelopen maandag niet met je gepraat heb. Maar weet je Rob, het verdriet is nog zo vers, dat ik gewoon niet weet wat ik tegen jullie moet zeggen. Vergeet niet dat ik elke dag aan jullie denk en Kaytje mis. Ik hoop dat jij en Marion elkaar nog goed steun kunnen bieden. Kijk tijdens je verdrietige momenten eens naar Natasha; ze wordt groot en een echte stoere meid. Hopelijk kunnen zij en Lauren je troost bieden. Geef een knuffel aan Marion; ik mis haar. Bel me als jullie iets nodig hebben, al is het zodat jullie samen een dag in bed kunnen blijven liggen. Ik kom graag Natasha opvangen, mocht dit nodig zijn.

    Tot gauw, x oppas Judith

  11. You are still on my mind, hope you managed to end the week feeling a little better.

  12. Rob, je kent me niet maar ik ken jou een beetje van je blog die ik toevallig vond.
    Oh man, wat een verhaal. Ik weet niet precies hoe het voelt maar ik voel heel erg met je en jullie mee. Ook wij hebben een kanjerketting die veel langer had moeten worden...
    Onze zoon was 3 en laat al een enorm gat achter, ik vermoed dat jouw grote dochter dat nog veel meer doet. We leven door maar de glans komt maar zeer langzaam terug.
    Ik bewonder je openheid en eerlijkheid naar jezelf. En dat je hard knokt maar worstelt met waarom. Ik lees dat je vind dat religie te maken heeft met de controle uit handen geven. Ik denk dat je gelijk hebt en bovendien lost het lang niet alle vragen op. Ik kan alleen maar zeggen dat God ons erdoor haalt en zowel voor,tijdens en na Rik zijn ziekzijn met ons meeloopt en zonodig met ons meehuilt.

    in tranen, David Mijnster

  13. Rob, been struggling to get my comments through. Type a long one and they get lost in authentication. Probably need to update my iPhone.

    Your latest blog entry is pure heart break. And all I can say is that we are still here, thinking about you all and praying for some respite for you daily. I can't get my head around your pain and just wish I could give you the biggest hug.

    We still feel very connected with Kay, and choose to believe she is playing an important part in our life as we get closer to the pending arrival of her little cousin. Dominic said it all.

    Love you, big brother. Hang in there.

    Love Ali xxx
