Sunday 27 February 2011

For those who want to know

The homeopathic tablets that I'm taking are called "Caffea Cruda", for anyone who wants to know. And I still think that they are helping me, certainly I have been able to fall asleep more easily the last nights. Last night I woke up around 2:30 and worried about sleeping again. I had a lot of muscle ache from a busy day working on building Nattie's model railway board so I took some paracetamol. My mind was still running and, as far as I can tell, continued to run for the rest of the night. But I did manage to get some rest.

I have a feeling that I might have rounded a corner as far as tiredness and sleep problems go. The combination of going to bed very early and the said tablets seems to be having a positive effect, in other words I'm certainly not getting more tired and I even have the idea that I'm starting to win back some ground. But I should not get ahead of myself, when I wake in the morning it's still with a head that spins from fatigue.

As the days get lighter and we're outdoors more often, the pain of Kay's absence is amplified. Kay was always outdoors, whenever the weather allowed, and I keep running into memories of her doing all sorts of things. 

Oh I miss her so much.

Under construction: Nattie's Model Railway Board

Work in progress: folded away but needing extra support

1 comment:

  1. I'm really pleased to see that you're sleeping a little more easily.
    As for the homeopathy - wonderful! And if the tapping works, then all-the-better. Sometimes it may be necessary to stop analysing and just accept that there are things beyond even your comprehension!
    I'm sorry that the pain of loss is still so very raw. One day the memories will be accompanied by a smile, but that doesn't mean you won't still miss Kay.
    And as for the railway system - I would quite like a go!
    Take care all of you.
    Much love
    Linda xxx
    Loads of love
