Saturday 28 May 2011

Thought for the Day

One of the most far reaching consequences of the loss of Kay is the associated loss of everything I thought I understood about the meaning of life. I have to say that this is not a burning issue, I'm not wandering around all day contemplating the loss of overall meaning, but it is an issue that will need addressing on the longer term. 

I have mentioned before at that the moment the only explanation that I can think of that addresses all the facts that I have encountered is that we're just the sum total of our genes and body chemistry, plus the information and experience accumulated by our brains. I have not yet found any fact that cannot be explained by this theorem. However it is also a most unsatisfying theorem in that it writes off all of mankind's spiritual tendencies as merely a side effect of our highly developed minds, a 'symptom' of our powerful subconscious. And of course, just because it's an unsatisfying theorem doesn't mean that it's wrong.

The problem with going any further than this theorem is that, at least from where I'm standing, anything else requires a distinctly unscientific leap of faith. It requires the ability to be able to believe in unsubstantiated things. Now I have to say that there are far too many people for whom I have the greatest respect who believe in these things, who derive strength and peace from their beliefs, who argue that perhaps my problem is that I simply am not in possession of all of the facts and that if I were I would be able to reach other conclusions.

At the moment life is too difficult for me to have any energy left over to tackle this subject. Life today is simply about emotional survival during the worst storm that I/we have ever encountered. And it feels like that storm is going to go on forever. But I suppose that at some point in time the storm will gradually lessen and I will have room to think about other things. At that point I suspect that I will begin a quest to find out if there is any meaning beyond The Selfish Gene.

For now I am reminded of one of my favourite "Peanuts" cartoon, with Snoopy lying on the top of his doghouse, reading a book:

                       "To be is to do"    :    Socrates

                       "To do is to be"    :    Sartre

                       "Do be do be do"  :    Sinatra

At the moment I belong soundly to the Sinatra school of thought.


  1. Perhaps you could have a 'Yaba Daba Doo' in there too! Sharon x

  2. Well, the ultimate philosophy has to be:

    "Scooby-Dooby-Do" : Scooby-Do


  3. Know that particular Snoopy strip well. Visited the Snoopy Museum in San Jose when I was flying there. They have Schultz's original drawing desk! :) It was as awesome as going to Gracelands!

  4. It made me chuckle (I love Snoopy).
    But on a more serious note, I'm not surprised you're exhausted, you don't seem to stop physically and/or mentally. I found this entry fascinating but quite exhausting at the same time! Shame you can't inhabit my little brain for a while to give yours a rest (although your business wouldn't do too well!)
    Lesley x
