Wednesday 25 May 2011

Teeth Ache

On odd thing: for the last few weeks I've noticed that my teeth are aching, particularly those in my upper jaw. Not the sort of ache that indicates dental distress but the kind that comes from biting too hard. So I have to assume that I must be clamping my jaw shut every now and again, which I guess would be some kind of stress indicator.

The problem is that I don't seem to be able to catch myself doing it. What happens is that I suddenly notice that my teeth are aching, but I have no recollection of jaw-centric stress. For example, yesterday I was in a four hour court hearing during which I testified for an hour. When I came out I could feel my heartbeat in my front upper teeth, but I really couldn't recollect whether the stress of the hearing had cause me to bite hard. 

Ditto this morning when I woke up, teeth throbbing away. Had I spent the night with my jaws clamped onto my dreams? I don't know, it's all very weird.


  1. I can empathise with you on this one. I did it for years and would wake up with a painful jaw. Definitely a stress thing (one more to add to your list). Though I'm not surprised if you had to testify in court!
    Lesley x

  2. I am really not sure how you are coping with court cases, work commitments etc on top of the grief you are under. I am in awe of how strong you are and have no doubt as to where Kay's inner strength came from.
    You and Marion are always in my thoughts.
    Sharon x

  3. You're probably grinding your teeth while you sleep, stress is a likely culprit!

  4. Hi Rob
    Must be in the genes- I had a similar experience when my jaw clamped shut for 6 weeks - [great diet but a bit drastic!!]. Apparently that was down to being stressed and gritting my teeth whilst awake and in my sleep. Now you are aware of it you will notice yourself doing it. Mine eventually sorted itself out but my teeth still ache occasionally . You can wear a gum shield to stop it happening in your sleep - bet that would give Marion a giggle !!
    Love and Hugs to you all
