Tuesday 15 March 2011

Lots to say, no energy to say it

For some reason I'm feeling terrible this evening - an overdose of stress I think. My neck and shoulders are aching like hell, even after an ibuprofen. I feel mildly sick as well. There's a lot going, will come back to that later. But I suspect the straw in this case is something that happened to Marion this morning: she had an accident outside the school, hit a child in the car park to our Volvo.

Fortunately it seems that the child - 2 1/2 years - only suffered a knock to the head and a graze on his forehead. But this was a rather fortunate outcome, in arguments between Boys and Volvo's, the Volvo usually comes off better.

It seems that the boy ran between out between two cars and while looking over his shoulder and effectively ran under the left front wheel of the Volvo. Marion was driving very slowly, but only saw movement in the corner of her eye. The next thing she felt something under the car and stopped immediately.

Needless to say that Marion was extremely upset by this. She called me at home and I hurried over to school, where she was being looked after by the staff. The little boy was taken directly to the doctor, but came back to school a little later, somewhat worse for wear, but whole and healthy.

Considering the circumstances, Marion has so far dealt with it quite well, I suppose. But I think that the (second hand) shock has triggered some kind of stress reaction on me. Gee, do I feel awful. 

There's a lot to say about our holiday last week: the shadow of Kay, Nattie's ski accident (which was only scary), but I'm too tired to write about it at the moment. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow - have to improve quickly because I'm off to California on Sunday for an intense business week.   


  1. I do hope Nattie is okay. Please give her the biggest hug from Aunty Alison and I. The best of luck in California.

  2. Lost for words. What a horrendous thing to happen. Please pass on my love to Marion.
    Stay strong Rob.
    Many hugs as ever.
    Linda xx

  3. I'm so sorry that happened to Marion. That would be enough to trigger all kinds of anxiety & stress. I find that everything I go thru feels magnified & of course leads to exhaustion. Hoping everyone feels more at peace soon.

    Your friend,

  4. oh no. I wish I could just wrap your family up in protective cotton batting for a couple of years. Hugs.

  5. I am seriously considering ways to wrap you, Marion and the girls in the biggest roll of bubblewrap I can find and give you some kind of protection against all those outside forces conspiring to test just how strong those 'Howes' have to be. Big hug in the meantime. Sharon x
