Friday 15 June 2012

How I miss Kay

I'm missing Kay is very badly at the moment. She's constantly in my mind's eye. I see her hurrying around, hockey stick in one hand, school bag in the other. I so miss her lust for life, her energy and presence. I can smell her hair, feel it brushing on my face. I feel her snuggled up against me, hear her laughing. And I miss her more than ever.

Marion recently wrote that Kay saw everything as a competition. I was amazed and thankful for this observation as it indeed is true and I had forgotten. She spent her life competing in one way or another and she usually won - even if it was occasionally by bending or changing the rules. A friend of Kay's recently also wrote a small piece called "Kay the Boomerang", about how for her Kay keeps coming back. It is a beautiful piece of text and reflects a beautiful thought. And how I wish it were so, that my Kay would come back.

I'm writing this in a public place so I have to curtail my musings before I end up in floods of tears. In a few short months it will be two years since Kay died and I still cannot believe it. Although I'm writing less these days, it's not because I feel less but because I have run out of words to describe the life that I now live. As always, your support and kind thoughts, past and present, remain a source of bouyancy in what otherwise remains a stormy sea.


  1. Beautifully written and very heartfelt. The energy of one who was once so full of life and energy leaves a deep void. As always, I understand and my thoughts are with you.

    Your friend

  2. Hi Rob. Alison and I have been having technical difficulties replying on the blog. It keeps freezing up on us. Will send this as a test and then both of us will write properly later.

  3. Rob this is beautiful and so thought provoking. We haven't spoken for a while, but you are still on my mind.
    Much love and many hugs
    Linda xxx

  4. Hi Rob,

    Although we haven't seen you and your family for several years, we still think of Kay in a most curious way. As you know our daughter Kim is 6 weeks born after Kay. Kim isn't an easy girl. But everything when we have a hard time with her, I remember Kay. And that keeps us going on.

    You, Marion and Natasha are at least weekly in my mind. Thinking a lot of you and how strong you all are. It is the wordt thing to loose a child. I can't think of everything else what should be worser.

    Keep on writing. Just for your own health. See the little lights of a day and remember: Kay is always with you. In your thoughts and in your hearts.


    Bianca KOtterink

  5. Still difficulties with the blog and typing entries to you. Alison and I are thinking of you always. We love the photos of Nattie and hope she enjoys the FlightSim which should arrive with you soon. If you need a joystick then we can send one too. Will sign off now before I push my chances with technology too much! Sending hugs to Marion, Lauren and Nattie. Lowve from
